‘Alef‘ Translation Agency —
we are connecting people
Websites localization. The texts on your websites will be salesy and highly informative in all languages
Comprehensive translation projects of any complexity for the target countries
Professional translation of documents into 100 + foreign languages ensuring to be accepted by any authorities
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Translation from and into Spanish is on-demand in all spheres, as the language is spoken in more than 20 countries worldwide. Spanish-speaking countries are characterized by their own dialects, vocabulary, borrowings.

That means in order to perform accurate translation from and into Spanish, one needs to know all peculiarities of the Spanish language in all these countries. It is also crucial to hold a deep insight into the peculiarities of Spanish in various areas - legislation, technical sphere, literature and etc.
French is one the most common among European languages, and has a very ancient history.

Additionally, French has complex pronunciation, accent marks, exceptions of its grammar, syntax and other grammar challenges, which only an experienced person can deal with.

French still remains one of the most sought-after for translations into/from the European languages.
The Italian language is expressive, melodical.

It has numerous borrowings. Italian is also considered as the language of art. The Italian language is one the most ancient languages in the world, which encompassed a vast number of historical layers.

The Italian grammar is pretty complex. Suffice to say, the Italian language has 8 articles, which influence meaning of the words. Nowadays in high demand to translate different materials - from official documents to musical sheets. ‘Alef’ provides you with highly-qualified translators to carry out editing and proofreading of your translation.
Discover the richness of Russian with Alef Translation Agency!

Russian opens doors to a world of culture, business, and science. Our native-speaking translators are experts in their fields, capturing every nuance perfectly. From literature to technical documents, we ensure your message resonates.

Unlock new opportunities and connect with 258 million Russian speakers worldwide. Choose Alef for unparalleled linguistic expertise and cultural insight.
Portuguese is a unique language spoken not only in Portugal, but in other countries, including former colonies.

Modern globalization has long altered the status of the countries, and nowadays nearly every nation has economic and tourism interests in the Portuguese-speaking territories.

Therefore, translation from and into Portuguese must be professional, authentic and up-to-date. We provide translations services for any texts, video, audio materials, which you can order at ‘Alef’ translation agency.
Learning Finnish as a foreign language is notoriously challenging (there are 14 cases, compound words and specific pronunciation).

Not many people speak Finnish worldwide, 90% of Finnish speakers are located in Finland. Nevertheless, Finnish is the official language in some regions of Sweden and Norway. We provide translation services from/ into the Finnish language in a pair with any foreign language.
Unlock Ukraine's potential with our expert translation services. Ukrainian is vital for reaching 44 million people, showing cultural respect, and meeting legal requirements. Our native translators excel in diverse fields, ensuring accuracy and cultural relevance. We deliver high-quality, natural-sounding translations that resonate with both domestic and diaspora audiences.
Professional translators from and into Estonian are relatively rare. Estonian is one the most challenging languages, where pronunciation is crucial. Besides, two main dialects are used within Estonia. Only qualified experts can perform accurate translation from/into Estonian. ‘Alef’ team consists of experienced translators and editors, which allow us performing top-notch and high-quality translation.
Lithuanian is one of the recognized languages of the European Union. However, to find a professional translator is a big challenge. Lithuanian is less popular to learn for various reasons, unlike Chinese.

The Lithuanian language is the official language only in one country in world – in Lithuania. Lithuanian traces its roots back to the Proto-Baltic language, which makes it amazingly attractive for linguistics.

Contact our experienced translators right now, to get quality adapted translation from and into Lithuanian.
Arabic is acknowledged as an official language in 26 countries. It is the fifth most widely spoken language in the world.

The Arabic language is pretty challenging language to master, particularly
it is hard to learn the Arabic script, which is read from right to left.

Undoubtably, to professionally translate/ interpret from and into Arabic, a translator must know the language norms of both the source and the target country.
Translation from/into Hebrew is one of the most sought-after linguistic services.

Firstly, a large number of repatriates from various countries come to Israel by right of origin.

Secondly, Israel has one of the most developed economies in the Middle East, where major international companies are represented.

Hebrew is unique by nature, though it was dead for over 1500 years ago. Its modern form was revived toward the end of the 19th century and into the 20th century.

Highly-qualified translators from/into Hebrew must be proficient in both the archaic and modern versions of the language, which is still changing actively today.
Nowadays almost all countries develop economic cooperation with China, which places the Chinese language in a priority position.

Today numerous translation companies offer their translation services, but one should bear in mind that Chinese is one of the most complex and multilayered languages in terms of meaning.

There are seven major Chinese dialect groups. As a result, Chinese people from different dialect zones cannot understand each other.

Therefore, when building business relationships with Chinese partners, it is essential to turn only to professional translators with topnotch references.
Japan is a unique state. Despite its modest territories, it has a great weight in the world and actively maintains foreign relations.

Specialized Japanese language skills are required for science, manufacturing, technology. The Japanese language is unique and reflects levels of politeness. For example, the Japanese use one level of politeness to chat with friends, for business environment another level is appropriate. The

Japanese language was formed in a very closed environment, what identifies its uniqueness. Translation from/into Japanese is very challenging, but an engrossing task.
In recent years, similar to China, Korea has been actively expanding its international economic contacts and conquering new markets — from cosmetics to pop culture.

Naturally, it has made the Korean language popular worldwide. Translation from and into Korean is no longer a rare or exclusive service. Like other Asian languages,

Korean is a sophisticated, specific language. It has borrowed many words from Chinese.

A translator into/from Korean must have well-grounded knowledge and extensive experience.
Despite the fact that English is the official language in India, more and more the Indians prefer to communicate in Hindi.

Hindi is becoming widely spread, especially for international business, tourism and IT. In addition, translation from/into Hindi is gaining momentum, since in small businesses fluent Hindi will allow you to achieve great success in negotiations. The Indians are much more loyal to those who communicate with them in their language, which the matter of a mindset.

Therefore, a perfect translation from and into Hindi is not only important for the outcome of negotiations, but also profitable!
Turkey closely cooperates with many different countries in many sectors of economy:

tourism, exports, imports and etc. Real estate investment and relocating to Turkey are highly popular nowadays. It goes without saying, that such solid interrelationships should also be supported by mutual comprehension at the linguistic level.

Today the Turkish language can be one of the most advantageous for both learning and translation.
Unlock the Persian-speaking world with our expert Farsi translation services. Reach 110 million speakers across Iran, Afghanistan, and beyond. Farsi is one the most ancient languages in the world. The language is very rich, beautiful with numerous dialects and peculiarities.

Only skilled translators with extensive knowledge and experience can perform accurate translation into/from Farsi.

Vast treasures of Eastern classical poetry were written in Farsi, which makes it metaphorically rich and vibrant.
Georgia attracts a lot of foreign investments and actively develops foreign economic relations. In recent years, the Georgian language has become more popular for communication and work for various reasons.

Georgian is a unique language for the South Caucasian group, distinct from other languages. For instance, Georgian features sounds that have no equivalents in other speech systems!

Accurate translation/ interpretation from/into Georgian requires well-honed knowledge and extensive experience.

Translation and interpretation from/into
100+ languages

Languages ​​in Alphabetical order
Scottish Gaelic
Simplified Chinese

Editing and proofreading of translation

Our services


Documents layout

Literary translation

Technical documents translation


Legal documents translation

We translate documents of any complexity

Audiovisual translation

Marketing translation

Medical documents translation

Translation of investment projects

Website localization

  • Content and text length assessment
  • Preparation of the material for translation
  • Translation of the prepared materials
  • Proofreading by an editor and proofreader
  • Proofreading of the translation on the website after publishing
Our team of translators is not only linguistically proficient, but also familiar with the local traditions, culture, user’s behavioral peculiarities, and has a solid background. Additionally, we aim to convey all stylistic features of the text and adapt it to the local market.

  • We translate the material taking into account the structure of a website;
  • We are able to handle different types of files;
  • We carefully deal with the code inside the files;
  • We are able to translate exactly what you need, including the files in not editable format.

Besides, we possess extensive experience in working with numerous localization tools, both online and offline, including online platforms, such as Simplelocalize and various CAT tools (Trados, Memoq, Memsource, Smartcat, XTM and others).
Website localization
  • Transcription
  • Translation of transcription text
  • Creating and editing subtitles
  • Voice-over
  • Dubbing
  • Montage audio track into video
Video clips, commercials, presentation, fiction films and TV series translation and professional voice-over.

We translate using semantic adaptation of the concepts, idiomatic expressions, terms and jokes.

We perform a full cycle from original soundtrack speech recognition and preparation in the form of text for further translation, to editing subtitles or audio dubbing. We provide you an option to replace the original sound fully or partially. We can also select music and effects, according to your specifications.
Audiovisual translation
(Subtitles, voiceover, dubbing)
  • Contracts
  • Founding documents
  • Financial documents
  • References and certificates
  • Legal letters
  • Powers of attorney
  • Wills
  • Patents
  • Court and investigative documents
The legal translation is performed with profound knowledge of the legal terminology of the source language and target language.

Our translators know and cope with all legal matters in the countries where these languages are spoken, so your personal and corporate documents will be accepted and properly interpreted in any country in the world.

We successfully perform translations for corporate clients in various fields, especially in finance and IT spheres, where we have the greatest competence. In addition, we carry out translations for courts, investigative offices, committees, and other official entities.

In addition, we notarize, apostilize, legalize and request documents in any country of the world.
Legal documents translation
  • Epicrises
  • Diagnoses
  • Certificates
  • Medical examinations
  • Prescriptions
  • Promotional and educational materials
While performing translation for medical documentation, we take into account the medical practice of the original and the target countries.

We have extensive experience in translating similar documents and materials.

Our expert translators possess a medical background.

When translating the medical documents, our professional team is fully committed to delivering error-free medical translations.
Medical documents translation
  • Instructions translation
  • Drawings translation
  • Project documents translation
Our professional translators not only apply a solid technical background in their work, but also fully preserve the original formatting, adapt the special terminology into the target language, and keep tables and figures using layout of any complexity.
Technical documents translation
  • Advertising materials
  • Articles
  • Books
  • Blogs and networks
  • Scripts
Our translators have profound insight into the target/source language, a unique feeling for a style and possess the necessary background and cultural knowledge.

Thanks to these features, your advertising texts will be salesy in any target country.

We ensure that your texts will be naturally perceived in the target language, whether it is a marketing or informational text.

Our professional and creative specialists make your materials maximally effective and attractive on the international market.
Marketing translation
  • Articles
  • Books
  • Scripts for cinema and TV
Literary translation requires a deep insight into both the source and target language, and dealing with cultural background.

Such translation is not a simple carrying-over, but a creative adaption reflecting the style, atmosphere, and an emotional message of the work.

Our literary translation team is highly professional and has extensive experience in the world of literature.

They deeply immerse into the material to preserve the author's intent and originality of the text.
Literary translation
  • Writing posts for social networks and blogs
  • Writing texts for websites
  • Creating presentations
  • Creating scripts for videos
We provide the listed services in different languages of the world. Our translators reside in different countries worldwide. Your texts will be native-like, salesy and comfortable to read in the target countries.

If you are eager to develop and conquer global markets, you need to translate your marketing and informational materials in different languages. However, if you don't have such texts yet and have nothing to translate, contact us, and we will write the texts for any country, according to your specifications.

This way you will be able to convey the message accurately, when appealing to local audiences, and it will encourage them to work with you.
  • Consecutive interpreting
  • Simultaneous interpretation
  • Chuchotage
Consecutive and simultaneous interpreting at
  • negotiations;
  • conferences,
  • meetings;
  • presentations;
  • investigative bodies, courts, etc.

Our interpreters master both the source and target languages, and possess trained memory, has a deep insight into the subject matter, which provides interpretation at the highest level.
  • Editable documents layout
  • Presentation layout
  • Drawings and images layout
We use multiple tools for layout:
  • Microsoft Word,
  • Adobe Acrobat,
  • Adobe Photoshop,
  • Indesign,
  • Adobe Illustrator,
  • AutoCAD

Experience seamless global communication with our expert layout services! We specialize in perfecting your content across Latin, Cyrillic, and complex Asian scripts like Chinese, Japanese, and Korean. Our team excels in right-to-left languages such as Arabic, Hebrew, Farsi, and Urdu, ensuring your message is visually appealing and culturally appropriate. From intricate hieroglyphics to flowing Arabic script, we guarantee your content looks professional and reads naturally in every language.

In the end, you will get a ready-to-use product in the form you require.
Documents layout
  • Editing
  • Proofreading
  • Quality assessment
Editing and proofreading of the translation improves its readability. In the text we correct various errors (semantic, stylistic, grammatical, punctuation, spelling), do fact-checking, detect and correct misprints.

We have been successfully working in the direction for several years, providing editing and proofreading services as a part of translation work and as a separate service.
Editing and proofreading of translation
Why quality translation is so critical to your company?
What are you going to receive?
Your information will be well received
High-quality translation helps mediate information between people speaking different languages. Whether it is medical treatment in another country, or negotiations with partners or clients, it is always important to convey the information properly. If your request is to convey the information correctly, we will ensure it.
Effective marketing
Advertising is an integral part for any company that aims to progress. However, advertising won't work, if your marketing texts translation is inconsistent. You have suited a perfect niche, you have an excellent product and everything works on the domestic market, but it’s problematic to conquer international markets and your potential customers are not interested in your texts in other languages, aren’t they? Then you need to contact us! Our translators, who reside in the target countries, make the texts and videos more attractive for the target audience.
Proper documents execution
To get your documents accepted abroad, you need a high-quality translation and further execute the documents (certification, apostilization, legalization). Improperly executed documents can lead to serious consequences, and we will not let that happen. Additionally, we can help you with obtaining documents in any country in the world.
Our advantages
Submit the simple form and find out cost of your project
All our written translations undergo editing and proofreading, and as may be required - layout. Thus, we tailor completely the material to customer’s needs.
Our team
Our team includes translators and editors from Europe, Asia, Africa, North, Central and South America. In total, there are more than 60 countries.
Our regular customers are companies from different countries (USA, England, Israel, Egypt, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and many more). Our mission is to help customers build sustainable relationships with their customers and suppliers abroad.
Our customers
‘Alef’ Translation Agency was founded in 2016. For several years we have translated around 200 websites, several thousands of documents, worked with various companies from different fields, such as IT, law, medicine, tourism, finance and investment projects, transportation, media, etc.
‘Alef’ ensures quality and result
You can trust us

We also cooperate with several recording studios and provide a full cycle of audiovisual translation. The cycle includes different steps: transcription and its translation into the target languages, creation and editing of subtitles, voice-overs and dubbing.

In addition, our core profile is interpreting services at meetings, negotiations, seminars, conferences and in court. We had experience of handling several major court cases - both in the written and oral forms.

Every client is important for us, and we do our best to satisfy them!

Contact us right now and you will see for yourself.

We translate into 100+ languages

We translate into European, Asian, Middle Eastern and other languages, including rare ones. Your partners and customers will comfortably read the translated material in any country of the world.

We provide a quick turnaround

Our extensive network of professional native linguists and managers works across different time zones, and can quickly answer you and perform the translation. You will not have to wait for business days to get a response.

We translate texts of any subject

Being professionals in various fields, our linguists provide high-quality translations of personal, legal, technical, medical and other documents and texts. We have a wide range of translators, and we are ready to perform the translation for those documents, that other translation agencies might refuse, since they don’t specialize in a specific language or a subject.

We translate into 100+ languages

We translate into European, Asian, Middle Eastern and other languages, including rare ones. Your partners and customers will comfortably read the translated material in any country of the world.

We provide a quick turnaround

Our extensive network of professional native linguists and managers works across different time zones, and can quickly answer you and perform the translation. You will not have to wait for business days to get a response.

We translate texts of any subject

Being professionals in various fields, our linguists provide high-quality translations of personal, legal, technical, medical and other documents and texts. We have a wide range of translators, and we are ready to perform the translation for those documents, that other translation agencies might refuse, since they don’t specialize in a specific language or a subject.

We provide optimal price-quality ratio

Our translation prices are not higher than freelance translator’s services, but our translation services include editing and proofreading, and we always deliver high-quality translations on time.

Our team involves natives from different corners of the world

Our specialists work strictly on the native-speaker principle. We cooperate with natives from over 60 countries. We voice-over audios and translate websites, which will be native-like in the target countries.

We collaborate with translation agencies worldwide

‘Alef’ cooperates with translation agencies in Russia, the USA, Germany, the UK, France, Israel, Egypt, China, Vietnam and other countries. So, we can collaborate with these agencies and provide local services in multiple countries. Translation agencies around the world trust us as performers and customers, and this positively impacts quality of our services. Our specialists constantly attend numerous seminars and courses, improve their qualifications.
Ask for more details about the translation of the material
Assess the order - set the price and terms, work under contract
Set translators and editors to fulfill the order and the budget for work
Carry out the translation and perform obligatory translation verification
Deliver the material to customers in the chosen format and in the most convenient way
Get a quote for the first translation on the website and get a discount 10% right now
In audiovisual translation, we start by transcribing the text from the video or audio, then translate it into the desired language. We create subtitles or record voice-over, and if needed, integrate them into the video. The final product is then ready for publication or personal use.
We accept text files in any format
* on the basis of written translation
From request to result in 6 simple steps
Work process *
We are an officially registered company, ready to sign a contract and provide you with all the necessary documents.
We notarize, apostille, legalize, and obtain documents in various countries.
You will always receive a final product that is not only translated into the required language but also edited, formatted, and professionally mounted according to your needs.
Your texts will be translated by specialists in your field, but we always welcome specific instructions and glossaries, and will translate exactly as you need.
Your translations will undergo editing and proofreading in accordance with translation standards and requirements.
Our team includes over 200 translators, proofreaders, and editors, including native speakers from more than 60 countries. Therefore, we guarantee high-quality translations in any language you need.
Lifetime guarantee on your translations
Professional written and spoken translations in over 100 languages worldwide

Detailed cases and work samples

We take a meticulous approach to all projects. Below, you can review examples of our work and specific cases.

Each file includes the Project Task, Scope and Complexity of the Translation, as well as the Solution Implemented.

Our Clients
In IT sector:
Dell, Huawei, HP
In E-commerce industry: Amazon and eBay
In travel industry:

Emerging Travel Group
In educational industry:

«Pedagogical Mastery Center»
In investment projects industry:

SunnyMan, Traders Union, etc.
Medtronic, Pfizer in medical sphere, along with a great number of personal medical documents for individuals.
This is only a small part of our customers; more information is available upon your request.
Feedback from our clients
  • Ekaterina Kalashnikova
    “Glasha Consulting” owner and CEO
    We've been collaborating with Translation Bureau “Alef” for several years. They have consistently delivered high-quality translations for all our projects, demonstrating exceptional professionalism in medical, legal, and other texts across various language pairs including Hebrew-Russian, Hebrew-English, and English-Russian. We've always received our translations on time and to the highest standard.

    We confidently recommend this Bureau for collaboration, even for the most demanding clients. Their expertise and reliability make them an excellent choice for all translation needs.
  • Ludmila Korelova
    SMM agency owner and CEO
    We worked with Translation Bureau “Alef” to translate our marketing texts into English. The quality was excellent and deadlines were met, leaving our client very satisfied. We also had personal documents translated successfully. Their work was consistently professional, accurate, and timely for both marketing and personal document translations. We highly recommend Alef Translation Bureau for various translation needs.
  • Paula de Lucas Gudiel
    Head of Projects at My Language Connection Ltd
    Translation Bureau Alef consistently delivers high-quality translations with exceptional timeliness. Their team of professionals has impressed us with their expertise across various subjects and language pairs. Whether handling business documents or personal papers, Alef maintains a strong attention to detail and accuracy. Their commitment to meeting deadlines without sacrificing quality is commendable. Based on our positive experiences, we will definitely continue using Translation Bureau “Alef” services and highly recommend them for all translation needs.
More feedback:
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